Wellbeing & mental health
advice & resources

We have put together some useful links and sources of mental health support so that children and young people, parents, carers, and staff can get the advice and help they need.

The list below is not exhaustive, and many other useful organisations and services exist, but it is hoped that these will help children, young people and adults navigate the key resources and get the support they deserve.

General information relevant to children and young people’s wellbeing and mental health

These resources are dedicated to children and young people’s general mental health and wellbeing, with a particular focus on mindfulness with developing coping skills in young people..

Further information

  • NHS Apps library helps people find apps and online tools to help manage their health and wellbeing. For example:
  • Calm Harm is designed to help people resist or manage the urge to self-harm. 
  • Catch it helps people manage feelings like anxiety and depression and improve mental wellbeing. 
  • The Student health app is designed to reduce your worries, feel more confident and get the support you need at what can be a challenging time for any student. 
  • Thrive helps you prevent and manage stress, anxiety and related conditions.
  • Students Against Depression is a website offering advice, information, guidance and resources to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking.
  • Togetherall is available for students at eligible universities and colleges who are feeling stressed, anxious, low or not coping. It provides an anonymous online community who share troubles and support each other. It is a safe space as it is moderated by trained professionals who are available 24/7. 
  • Place2Behas a host of mental health resources available. They organise Children’s Mental Health Week every year. 
  • SafeSpot is an iPhone and Android app that promotes positive mental wellbeing in children and young people and has been designed to help children and young people with their coping skills.  

  • MindEd’s advice and resources for families on supporting children’s mental health. This includes the Education Hub (which hosts a short Wellbeing for Education Return training webinar for education staff as well as more in-depth content covering wellbeing and resilience, bereavement and loss, stress, trauma, anxiety and low mood). 
  • BBC’s wellbeing resources for families. 
  • Mentally Healthy Schools: tools to support an emotional check-in with pupils. 
  • Mentally Healthy Schools: an anxiety thermometer as a wellbeing measurement tool. 
  • Mental Health at Work: Supporting Educators’ Mental Health including during the pandemic. Round-the-clock one-to-one support by call or text from trained volunteers, plus resources, tips and ideas to look after your mental health. 
  • NHS: Mental Health Helplines for Urgent Help – NHS 24-hour advice and support for you, your child, your parent or someone you care for. Help is available to speak to a mental health professional. 
  • NHS IAPT: free online NHS adult psychological therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), for common problems involving stress, anxiety and depression. IAPT services can be accessed either through a self-referral by contacting your Local IAPT or via your GP. 
  • Headspace: Headspace for Educators offers educators access to free mindfulness and meditation exercises and resources for every age group, and a free Headspace Meditation App. 
  • Public Health EnglandEvery Mind Matters: Looking After Your Mental Health Resources aims to support everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing by promoting a range of self-care actions. 

  • Public Health England: Every Mind Matters Self-Care Tool when you complete the 5 ‘Survey’ questions, a ‘Mind Plan’ is generated, with signposting options to many useful resources. 

“We are committed to equality of opportunity for all pupils, their families and for staff.”

Our Key Values

“We treat pupils, their families and staff fairly, regardless of their background, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.”

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“To provide a specialist team of staff who understand the differing needs of pupils and enables them to access the curriculum and all allowing personal targets to be met”

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“We value the positive contributions of stakeholders to improve outcomes for each pupil.”

Our Key Values

“Our staff have high aspirations so that pupils will be broad in outlook to see beyond themselves, to reach confidently into a world of opportunity.”

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“Our pupils and families are listened to.”

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“To become a hub of expertise for inclusive practice which will support schools across the city.”

Our Mission

“Our staff know pupils and their families exceptionally well and build positive, productive relationships so all pupils succeed. “

Our Ethos

“To provide a bespoke curriculum to meet social, emotional and mental health needs that builds resilience and confidence in pupils.”

Our Mission

“To provide a purpose built, safe, highly structured and emotionally supportive environment.”

Our Mission

“To provide an effective broad and balanced curriculum which develops academic skill with a focus on reading, writing and mathematics.”

Our Mission

“Our staff will have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and learning so that pupils can grow in confidence. “

Our Ethos

“Our pupils and families feel special and belong to our supportive Euler community. “

Our Ethos

“We value each pupil, as an individual with a unique potential to achieve.”

Our Key Values

“We value pupils’ personal development, including self-discipline, resilience and respect.”

Our Key Values

“Our ethos is based on creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where care and mutual respect promote positive relationships.”

Our Ethos

“Our classes will be small in number because our pupils have not succeeded within large mainstream classes. This allows our pupils to be supported to grow and learn in a caring and responsive group setting.”

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