School uniform

All pupils are required to wear school uniform each day. As well as looking smart, it reminds us to be proud of our school. All uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Euler Academy uniform comprises of:

• White polo shirt or blouse
• Navy blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
• Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
• Sensible low heeled, black outdoor shoes
• During warm weather black or grey shorts may be worn
• During warm weather girls may wear a blue gingham school dress

Long hair should be tied back with a sensible bobble.

Make-up, nail varnish and false nails are not permitted.

We provide a Euler PE kit for every child. These are kept in school. Please ensure that earrings are taken out or covered with tape on PE days.

All uniform purchased from school can be collected from the school office or will be sent home with your child.

  • How to make a purchase in a ParentPay shop

Further information

“We value pupils’ personal development, including self-discipline, resilience and respect.”

Our Key Values

“Our pupils and families feel special and belong to our supportive Euler community. “

Our Ethos

“Our pupils and families are listened to.”

Our Ethos

“Our staff have high aspirations so that pupils will be broad in outlook to see beyond themselves, to reach confidently into a world of opportunity.”

Our Ethos

“We value the positive contributions of stakeholders to improve outcomes for each pupil.”

Our Key Values

“Our ethos is based on creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where care and mutual respect promote positive relationships.”

Our Ethos

“We are committed to equality of opportunity for all pupils, their families and for staff.”

Our Key Values

“To provide an effective broad and balanced curriculum which develops academic skill with a focus on reading, writing and mathematics.”

Our Mission

“To provide a bespoke curriculum to meet social, emotional and mental health needs that builds resilience and confidence in pupils.”

Our Mission

“We treat pupils, their families and staff fairly, regardless of their background, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.”

Our Key Values

“Our staff will have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and learning so that pupils can grow in confidence. “

Our Ethos

“To provide a specialist team of staff who understand the differing needs of pupils and enables them to access the curriculum and all allowing personal targets to be met”

Our Mission

“To become a hub of expertise for inclusive practice which will support schools across the city.”

Our Mission

“To provide a purpose built, safe, highly structured and emotionally supportive environment.”

Our Mission

“Our staff know pupils and their families exceptionally well and build positive, productive relationships so all pupils succeed. “

Our Ethos

“Our classes will be small in number because our pupils have not succeeded within large mainstream classes. This allows our pupils to be supported to grow and learn in a caring and responsive group setting.”

Our Ethos

“We value each pupil, as an individual with a unique potential to achieve.”

Our Key Values