British Values

As a school we have a duty to actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We aim to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background.

Children at Euler know they have a voice, and that their voice matters. Every term the children elect their school council, who meet weekly with our Personal Development Mentor to discuss ideas about how to make school a better place to learn. Councillors know that their role is important in the school and that their suggestions can make a big difference.

Distinguishing between right and wrong is an enormous part of the work we undertake at Euler, as the children practise navigating challenges and disappointments while acting within the rules and boundaries set in place. Children are taught the reasons for the rules we have and value their importance by understanding how they are there to protect them and others. The Jigsaw Charter gives the children ownership of the rules in their class, and consequently children take responsibility of their own behaviour. Children know they should contribute positively to the life of the school and that this also applies out in their communities.

While at Euler children will have opportunities to engage positively with the local police by meeting with PCSO’s.

Every day, children at Euler are encouraged to explore their choices in an environment where they feel safe and confident. Working within clear boundaries, each individual will have the opportunity to choose their own challenge in the classroom, engage in extra curricular clubs and activities and express themselves. Children are taught their rights, responsibilities and personal freedoms through Jigsaw and e-safety lessons. They understand how to exercise these rights and freedoms responsibly without impacting on the happiness or wellbeing of others, helping them become caring and thoughtful citizens

The curriculum is carefully planned to expose children to the widest possible range of cultures, religions, beliefs and backgrounds to reflect the diverse nature of British society. Children will leave Euler equipped with the skills and knowledge which will enable them to understand and interact with people’s differing beliefs. We help them to understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

Our pupils are given opportunities to meet different people within their local community and engage with our local places of worship, including regular visits to St Nicholas Church.

Further Information:

“We are committed to equality of opportunity for all pupils, their families and for staff.”

Our Key Values

“Our staff have high aspirations so that pupils will be broad in outlook to see beyond themselves, to reach confidently into a world of opportunity.”

Our Ethos

“We value pupils’ personal development, including self-discipline, resilience and respect.”

Our Key Values

“To become a hub of expertise for inclusive practice which will support schools across the city.”

Our Mission

“Our ethos is based on creating a nurturing and inclusive environment where care and mutual respect promote positive relationships.”

Our Ethos

“Our pupils and families are listened to.”

Our Ethos

“We value the positive contributions of stakeholders to improve outcomes for each pupil.”

Our Key Values

“To provide a bespoke curriculum to meet social, emotional and mental health needs that builds resilience and confidence in pupils.”

Our Mission

“We value each pupil, as an individual with a unique potential to achieve.”

Our Key Values

“To provide an effective broad and balanced curriculum which develops academic skill with a focus on reading, writing and mathematics.”

Our Mission

“Our staff will have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and learning so that pupils can grow in confidence. “

Our Ethos

“We treat pupils, their families and staff fairly, regardless of their background, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.”

Our Key Values

“To provide a specialist team of staff who understand the differing needs of pupils and enables them to access the curriculum and all allowing personal targets to be met”

Our Mission

“Our classes will be small in number because our pupils have not succeeded within large mainstream classes. This allows our pupils to be supported to grow and learn in a caring and responsive group setting.”

Our Ethos

“Our pupils and families feel special and belong to our supportive Euler community. “

Our Ethos

“To provide a purpose built, safe, highly structured and emotionally supportive environment.”

Our Mission

“Our staff know pupils and their families exceptionally well and build positive, productive relationships so all pupils succeed. “

Our Ethos