Why do we teach Geography at Euler?
At Euler, our ambition in Geography is to inspire the children’s curiosity and fascination about the countries, cultures and people from around the world. Living in Hull and the surrounding area, we want our children to understand places, people, resources and natural and human environments. We are aware that many of our children have few opportunities to travel outside their immediate area and for this reason we want to promote practical fieldwork studies to give them memorable experiences in the wider community.
What is the Geography curriculum offer at Euler?
All pupils are taught Geography each term, each academic year. Our Geography curriculum meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. Our Geography long term plan sets out the order units of study are to be taught in. This ensures that children build on prior learning and revisit key vocabulary and concepts. We start all our Geography lessons with “Remember when…” This helps our children to retain information and make connections between events in Geography.
All Geography lessons are part of a sequence of learning. Each lesson has “sticky knowledge” we want the children to learn and vocabulary we want the children to use. Teachers use a range of strategies to help the pupils “know more, remember more”. This includes hands on learning, using a range of maps including digital and concrete maps, creating models, fieldwork visits, investigations, outdoor learning and analysing data. Vocabulary is displayed in lessons and often provided in a word bank.
How are knowledge and skills acquired in Geography?
Our Geography long term plan sets out what needs to be taught in each phase. This ensures progression of the following:
- National Curriculum expectations
- Sticky knowledge
- Vocabulary
We have identified key threads across our Geography curriculum to revisit over time, allowing the children to make gains in knowledge built on prior learning.
In Key Stage 1 the threads are:
- Geographical enquiry
- Position and Orientation
- Drawing Maps
- Symbols
In Key Stage 2 the threads are:
- Geographical enquiry
- Position and Orientation
- Drawing Maps
- Symbols
- Using maps
- Scale/distance
- Perspective
- Digital Mapping
What enrichment opportunities do pupils receive in Geography?
We have carefully selected school visits, experiences and visitors to enhance our Geography curriculum. School visits and visitors are integral to our sequences of learning and allow pupils to see the sticky knowledge come to life.
Examples of enrichment to enhance the teaching of Geography:
Key Stage 1: